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史書 -> 史記 -> 本紀 -> 五帝本紀 -> 25

These twenty-two all completed their labours.
皋陶 Gaoyao was chief minister of crime,
and the people were all subservient and obtained his genuine services.
伯夷 Boyi was director of ceremonies,
and both upper and lower classes were retiring.
Chui was head workman,
and the various kinds of work were successfully accomplished.
Yi was head forester,
and hills and swamps were brought under cultivation.
Qi was director of agriculture,
and the various crops ripened in their seasons.
Xie was minister of instruction,
and the people were friendly together.
Long superintended the foreign department,
and men from afar arrived.
The twelve governors did their duty, and the people of the nine provinces did not dare to rebel.
But Yu's labours consisted in making great cuttings through the nine hills,
making thoroughfares through the nine swamps,
deepening the nine rivers,
and regulating the nine provinces,
each of which by their officials sent tribute,
and did not lose their rightful dues.
In a square of 5000 li he reached the wild domain.
西To the south he governed Annam; on the north he reduced the western Rong tribes, Xizhi, Chusou, and the Qiang of Di; on the north the hill Rong tribes and the Xishen; and on the east the tall island barbarians.
帝舜 All within the four seas were grateful for Emperor Shun's labours;
and Yu then performed the nine tunes,
and the result was that strange creatures and phœnixes flew to and fro.
天下Men of illustrious virtue in the empire began from the days of Emperor Shun of Yu.
