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Having understood the principle of exalting the virtuous in government, the ancient sage-kings inscribed it on bamboos and silk and engraved it on the dishes and vases, to hand it down to their descendants.
:『Thus we find in the "Penal Code of Lu", a book of an ancient king, the following: "The king said: 'Ho!
ye rulers of states and territories,
I will tell you how to make punishments a blessing.
Now it is yours to give repose to the people:
- what should you be most concerned about the choosing of? Should it not be proper men?
What should you deal with the most reverently? Should it not be punishments?
。』What should you calculate the most? Should it not be to whom they should reach?'
" (This is to say) with insight in choosing men and considerateness in meting punishments, you can catch up with the ways of Yao, Shun, Yu, Tang, Wen, and Wu.
By exaltation of the virtuous.
Again in the book "Shu Nian", another book of an ancient king,
we find:
"He looked for wise men
。』 to protect and aid you."
天下This is to say, when the ancient kings reigned over the empire
they invariably selected the virtuous and made them officials and aids.
天下君子The gentlemen in the world like riches and honour, and dislike poverty and humility.
Now how can you obtain the former and avoid the latter?
There is no better way than to practise virtue.
What then is the way to practise virtue ?
Let him who has strength be alert to help others, let him who has wealth endeavour to share it with others, let him who possesses the Dao (the way of nature and life) teach others persuasively.
With this, the hungry will be fed, the cold will be clothed, the disturbed will have order.
When the hungry are fed, the cold are clothed, and the disturbed have order - this is procuring abundant life.
