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宋明 -> 三國演義 -> 呂奉先射戟轅門,曹孟德拜師淯水 -> 19

:「陳宮!」張遼韓胤袁術便陳珪呂布使韓胤:「玄德?」:「?」Lu Bu was much disturbed to hear this. "I have been misled by Chen Gong!" cried he. So he hurriedly sent Zhang Liao to bring the wedding party, which had been ten miles away, back to the city. When they had come, Lu Bu threw Han Yin into prison and sent a reply to Yuan Shu saying curtly that the girl's trousseau was not ready and she could not be married till it was. Chen Gui wanted Han Yin to be sent to Capital Xuchang. But Lu Bu was hesitating what course to adopt, when he heard that Liu Bei was enlisting soldiers and buying horses for no apparent reason. "He is simply doing his duty. There is nothing to be surprised at," said Lu Bu at first.
