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宋明 -> 三國演義 -> 呂奉先射戟轅門,曹孟德拜師淯水 -> 24

玄德使孫乾曹操呂布:「玄德。」便玄德孫乾糜竺玄德呂布:「。」玄德荀彧:「劉備。」Liu Bei approached Xuchang and encamped outside the city, whence he sent Sun Qian to see Cao Cao and relate the events that brought him there. Cao Cao was very friendly and said, "Liu Bei is as my brother." Then Cao Cao invited Liu Bei to enter the city. Leaving his brothers at the camp, Liu Bei, with Sun Qian and Mi Zhu, went to Cao Cao, who received him with the greatest respect. The story of Lu Bu's perfidy was again related. "He has no sense of right," said Cao Cao. "You and I, my brother, will attack him together." Liu Bei was very grateful. A banquet was then prepared, and it was late evening before the visitor left for his own camp. Xun Yu then had an interview with his master and said, "If you are not on your guard, Liu Bei will be your undoing. You ought to destroy him. He is too much of a hero."
