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宋明 -> 三國演義 -> 呂奉先射戟轅門,曹孟德拜師淯水 -> 25

郭嘉:「荀彧玄德?」:「玄德天下天下。」Cao Cao made no reply and his adviser retired. Presently Guo Jia came, and Cao Cao said, "I have been advised to kill Liu Bei: What of such a scheme?" "A bad scheme," said Guo Jia. "You are the popular champion, pledged to relieve the people from oppression, and only by truth and rectitude can you secure the support of the noble-minded. Your only fear is lest they stay away. Now Liu Bei is a clear hero. He has come to you for help and protection, and to put him to death would be to alienate all good people and put fear into the hearts of all the able advisers. Hampered by these difficulties, where will you find those whose help you need? To remove the dangers represented by one man and thereby injure yourself in the eyes of all humankind is a sure means of destruction. These conditions need careful consideration."
