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宋明 -> 三國演義 -> 呂奉先射戟轅門,曹孟德拜師淯水 -> 32

賈詡胡車兒曹操使張繡:「。」So the necessary arms were prepared and orders given in the various camps. This done Zhang Xiu gave a banquet, and the intended victim was invited and plied vigorously with wine so that he was quite intoxicated when he left. And, as arranged, Hu Che'er mingled with his escort and made away with his weapons. That night, when Cao Cao was at supper with Lady Zhou, he heard the voices of men and neighing of horses and sent out to ask what it meant. They told him it was the night patrol going the rounds, and he was satisfied. Near the second watch of the night again was heard some noise in the rear of his tent, and one of the fodder carts was reported to be burning. "One of the soldiers has dropped a spark; there is nothing to be alarmed at," said Cao Cao.
