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宋明 -> 三國演義 -> 斬蔡陽兄弟釋疑,會古城主臣聚義 -> 17

關公張飛:「?」便關公:「。」:「便!」關公Guan Yu turned, and there he saw a cloud of dust rising as though a squadron of horse was coming. And soon they were near enough, and from their trumpets and banners they showed themselves to be of Cao Cao's army. "Now will you try to cajole me further?" cried Zhang Fei in a rage. He set his serpent halberd and was just coming on when Guan Yu said, "Brother, wait a while. See me slay the leader of these that I may prove myself no traitor." "Well, if you are really true, prove it by slaying that leader, whoever he may be, before I have finished three rolls of the drum." Zhang Fei's condition was accepted.
