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宋明 -> 三國演義 -> 斬蔡陽兄弟釋疑,會古城主臣聚義 -> 27

玄德孫乾關公簡雍袁紹孫乾關公玄德關公:「長子關平。」:「?」玄德:「?」:「。」玄德:「?」便關平關公玄德玄德袁紹關平關公關公Forthwith Liu Bei sent Sun Qian back to Guan Yu and then, with Jian Yong, took leave of Yuan Shao and rode out of the city, As soon as they reached the border line, they met Sun Qian and all three rode off to Guan Ding's farm to meet Guan Yu. He came out to welcome them, bowed and then seized his brother's hands while tears streamed down his face. Presently the two sons of their host came to bow to the visitors. Liu Bei asked their names. "These are of the same name as myself," said Guan Yu. "The sons are Guan Neng, who is a student, and Guan Ping, who is to be a soldier." "I have been thinking of sending the younger in your train, General," said old Guan Ding, "Would you take him?" "What is his age?" said Liu Bei. "He is eighteen." Liu Bei said, "Since, O Senior, you are so kind, I venture to suggest that your son should be adopted by my brother, who has no son of his own. What think you of that?" Guan Ding was perfectly willing, so he called Guan Ping and bade him make a son's obeisance to Guan Yu and to style Liu Bei "Uncle." Then it was time to get on their way lest they should be pursued, and with Guan Yu went Guan Ping. Guan Ding and Guan Ning escorted them a long distance and then returned. The party took the road to Sleeping Bull Mountain.
