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宋明 -> 三國演義 -> 曹操倉亭破本初,玄德荊州依劉表 -> 5

田豐袁紹長子袁譚袁熙袁尚審配逢紀辛評郭圖袁尚袁譚Thus died Tian Feng, pitied of all who heard of his fate. When Yuan Shao came home in Jizhou, he was with troubled mind and distorted thoughts. He could not attend to the business of government and became so ill that his second wife, who came of the Liu family and had replaced the first wife after her death, besought him to make his last dispositions. Now three sons had been born to Yuan Shao: Yuan Tan the eldest, who was the Commander of Qingzhou; Yuan Xi, who ruled over Youzhou; and Yuan Shang, borne to him by Lady Liu. This youngest son was very handsome and noble looking, and his father's favorite. So he was kept at home. After the defeat at Guandu, the lad's mother was constantly urging that her son should be named as successor, and Yuan Shao called together four of his counselors to consider this matter. These four happened to be divided in their sympathies: Shen Pei and Peng Ji being in favor of the youngest son, and Xin Ping and Guo Tu supporters of the eldest.
