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宋明 -> 三國演義 -> 曹操倉亭破本初,玄德荊州依劉表 -> 18

許褚趙雲于禁李典玄德玄德玄德劉辟玄德孫乾簡雍糜芳:「夏侯惇雲長玄德:「雲長?」劉辟:「。」As they were winning through, Xu Chu came in pursuit and engaged Zhao Zilong, and two other companies led by Yu Jin and Li Dian bore down as well. Seeing the situation so desperate, Liu Bei plunged into the wilds and fled. Gradually the sounds of battle became fainter and died away while he went deeper and deeper into the hills, a single horseman fleeing for his life. He kept on his way till daybreak, when a company suddenly appeared beside the road. Liu Bei saw these men with terror at first, but was presently relieved to find they were led by the friendly Liu Pi. They were a company of his defeated army escorting the family of their chief. With them also were Sun Qian, Jian Yong, and Mi Fang. They told him, "The attack on Runan was too strong to be resisted, and so we were compelled to abandon the defense, and the enemy followed, and only Guan Yu's timely arrival saved us from destruction." "I do not know where my brother is," said Liu Bei. "All will come right if you will push on," said Liu Pi.
