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宋明 -> 三國演義 -> 荊州城公子三求計,博望坡軍師初用兵 -> 24

孔明孔明玄德:「便便糜竺糜芳孫乾簡雍簿。」玄德The brothers left. None of the officers understood anything of the general line of strategy and, though they obeyed orders, they were not without doubts and misgivings. Zhuge Liang said to Liu Bei, "You may now lead your soldiers to the hills and camp till the enemy shall arrive tomorrow evening. Then you are to abandon the camp and move away retreating till the signal is seen. Then you will advance and attack with all force. Mi Zhu, Mi Fang, and I will guard the city." In the city Zhuge Liang prepared banquets to celebrate the victory and also prepared the books to record exceptional services. Liu Bei noted all these things, but his heart was also troubled not a little.
