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Discussion -> Translations -> Xunzi 23.13 English

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2016-11-18 05:13:37Xunzi 23.13 English
Posted by: frank091 (Frank Saunders Jr)So those good at speaking about ancient times must have a connection to the present. Those good at speaking about Heaven must have an application for people. All of those who debate: their value lies in their distinguishing and combining [things], and in their having tests and markers. They sit down and state it. They get up, and are able to demonstrate it. They bring it forth, and can put it into practice. Now Mencius says, "People's spontaneous nature is good."---but this [statement] fails to distinguish or combine [anything], and lacks tests or markers. He sits and he states it, but he gets up and he is unable to demonstrate it. He brings it forth but is unable to put it into practice---How is this not a great mistake! And so if people's spontaneous nature is good, then reject the sage kings and put an end to ritual and duty. If their spontaneous nature is bad, then follow the sage kings and honor ritual and duty. The straightening board arose because of crooked wood. The plumb line was set up because of crooked [lines]. Establishing rulers above and making ritual and duty clear is on behalf of people's bad spontaneous nature. If we look at it in this way, people's spontaneous nature is clearly bad. Their goodness is artificial.

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