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Discussion -> Translations -> Xunzi 23.9 English

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2016-11-18 02:06:44Xunzi 23.9 English
Posted by: frank091 (Frank Saunders Jr)And so the sage kings transformed their spontaneous nature and set up artifice. When artifice was set up, they gave rise to ritual and duty. Once they gave rise to ritual and duty, they regulated models and guidelines. In this way, ritual, duty, models, and guidelines---these all are what the sage kings gave rise to. As for that by which the sage kings are one and the same with the masses, and are no different from the masses---it's spontaneous nature. That by which they are different from and go beyond the masses is artifice. As for someone being fond of benefit and wanting to get it---this is people's natural sentiments and spontaneous nature. Suppose there is someone who has wealth that he will divide up. If he follows his natural sentiments and spontaneous nature, he will be fond of benefit and seek to get it. In this way, elder and younger brothers will mutually swindle and steal from one another. But if he is transformed by the pattern and form of ritual and duty, he will thereby defer to the people of the state. And so: if you follow your natural sentiments and spontaneous nature, then elder and younger brothers will contend, while if you are transformed by ritual and duty then you will defer to the people of the state.

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