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Chinese Text Project
Discussion -> Chinese Text Project -> why?

2014-12-17 03:22:35why?
Posted by: nomasmentiras (andrés)I'm tired about christiania traslators like Legge or Wilheim, they were involved in church policy and had many interest in filter the messeges and contents of Daoism. I get disappointed qhen see the very much impresice and tendencious traslations of Legge were posted asides of the original texts. For people that have few knowledge about teh philosophy of Daoism, that have no Moral Issues an Gods, this traslation could be very negative. In the past there were no traslations of this kind aside the text. Could someone do something to make it disapear? For the chinese speakers: don't take the Legge traslations seriously, he was involved whit British Church interest, and can't say anithing that goes againt the bible. Thank you.

2014-12-18 13:11:47why?
Posted by: the_duke (Ofer Waldman)Can you give an example of such a problematic translation by Legge? a specific paragraph?

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