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Discussion -> Translations -> Xunzi 23.18 English

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2016-11-18 06:07:26Xunzi 23.18 English
Posted by: frank091 (Frank Saunders Jr)I say: As for that by which a Yu is a Yu: it is making use of benevolence, duty, modeling, and correctness. In this way, benevolence, duty, modeling, and correctness have a knowable and doable form. But the people in the streets, all of them have the stuff for knowing benevolence, duty, modeling, and correctness, and they all have tools for being capable of benevolence, duty, modeling, and correctness. In this way, it's obvious that they can become a Yu. But what if you take benevolence, duty, modeling, and correctness to be to be originally without an unknowable and doable form? If this is the case then even Yu would not know benevolence, duty, modeling, and correctness, and would be incapable of benevolence, duty, modeling, and correctness. This would mean the people in the streets would originally be without the stuff for knowing benevolence, duty, modeling, and correctness, and to lack the tools for being capable of benevolence, duty, modeling, and correctness, no?

In this way, the people in the streets, within [the home] they would be unable to know the duties of father and son, while outside [the home] they would be unable to know to know the correctness between rulers and ministers. But this is not so. The people in the streets, all of them inside [the home] are able to know the duties of father and son, and outside [the home] are able to know the correctness between rulers and ministers---this is the stuff for knowing, and the tools for being capable. These are clearly within people in the streets.

Now if people in the streets used the stuff for knowing and their tools for being capable root themselves in the knowable and doable forms of benevolence, duty, modeling, and correctness, their ability to become a Yu is clear. If the people in the streets put their abilities into learning, captivate their heart-minds with a single intention, reflected, inquired, and investigated, added up days throughout the passage of time, accumulated goodness and never ceased, then they would communicate with spirit-like clarity, and form a triad with Heaven and Earth. Therefore, as for those who are sages, what they accumulate makes them so.

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