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All resources -> LegalismRelated texts

Total 15 matching resources; showing results 1-15.

BookEnglishCreel, H. G.Shen Pu-hai, a Chinese Political Philosopher of the Fourth Century B. C., University of Chicago Press (1974)0226120279
BookEnglishDuyvendak, J. J. L.The Book of Lord Shang: A Classic of the Chinese School of Law, Lawbook Exchange (May 2003)1584772417
BookEnglishFu, ZhengyuanChina's Legalists: The Earliest Totalitarians and Their Art of Ruling, M.E. Sharpe (April 1996)1563247801
BookEnglishGoldin, Paul R.Dao Companion to the Philosophy of Han Fei, Springer (August 2012)9400743173
BookEnglishRickett, W. AllynGuanzi: Political, Economic, And Philosophical Essays From Early China: A Study And Translation, Cheng & Tsui (October 2001)0887273246
BookEnglishRoth, HaroldOriginal Tao: Inward Training (Nei-yeh) and the Foundations of Taoist Mysticism, Columbia University Press (October 2004)0231115652
BookEnglishThompson, P. M.The Shen Tzu Fragments, RoutledgeCurzon (March 2002)019713579X
BookEnglishWatson, BurtonBasic Writings of Mo Tzu, Hsun Tzu, and Han Fei Tzu, Columbia University Press (April 1967)0231025157
BookEnglishWatson, BurtonHan Fei Tzu: Basic Writings, Columbia University Press (1964)0231086091
BookChinese王赞源中国法家哲学, 东大图书 (1989)9571902977
BookChinese谢云飞韩非子析论, 东大图书 (February 1996)957190290X
BookChinese李苏平韩非, 东大图书 (1998)957192217X
ChapterEnglishGraham, A.C.Legalism: An Amoral Science of Statecraft in "Disputers of the TAO: Philosophical Argument in Ancient China" p.267-291
ChapterEnglishHansen, ChadHan Feizi: The Ruler's Interpretation in "A Daoist Theory of Chinese Thought: A Philosophical Interpretation" p.344-376
ChapterEnglishXing, LuConceptualization of Ming Bian by Han Feizi in "Rhetoric in Ancient China, Fifth to Third Century B.C.E: A Comparison With Classical Greek Rhetoric" p.258-287