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《三國演義 - Romance of the Three Kingdoms》

[Ming] 1350-1400
 1. 宴桃園豪傑三結義,斬黃巾英雄首立功 - Three Heroes Swear Brotherhood In The Peach Garden; One Victory Shatters The Rebels In Battlegrounds
 2. 張翼德怒鞭督郵,何國舅謀誅宦豎 - Zhang Fei Whips The Government Officer; He Jin Plots To Kill The Eunuchs
 3. 議溫明董卓叱丁原,餽金珠李肅說呂布 - In Wenming Garden, Dong Zhuo Denounces Ding Yuan; With Red Hare, Li Su Bribes Lu Bu
 4. 廢漢帝陳留為皇,謀董賊孟德獻刀 - Deposition Of The Emperor: The Prince Of Chenliu Gets The Throne; Schemes Against Dong Zhuo: Cao Cao Presents A Sword
 5. 發矯詔諸鎮應曹公,破關兵三英戰呂布 - Cao Cao Appeals To The Powerful Lords; The Three Brothers Fight Against Lu Bu
 6. 焚金闕董卓行兇,匿玉璽孫堅背約 - Burning The Capital, Dong Zhuo Commits An Atrocity; Hiding The Imperial Hereditary Seal, Sun Jian Breaks Faith
 7. 袁紹磐河戰公孫,孫堅跨江擊劉表 - Yuan Shao Fights Gongsun Zan At The River Pan; Sun Jian Attacks Liu Biao Across The Great River
 8. 王司徒巧使連環計,董太師大鬧鳳儀亭 - Wang Yun Prepares The Chaining Scheme; Dong Zhuo Rages At Phoenix Pavilion
 9. 除暴兇呂布助司徒,犯長安李傕聽賈詡 - Lu Bu Kills Dong Zhuo For Wang Yun; Li Jue Attacks The Capital On Jia Xu's Advice
 10. 勤王室馬騰舉義,報父讎曹操興師 - Gathering Arms, Ma Teng Moves To Rescue The Emperor; Commanding A Force, Cao Cao Marches To Avenge His Father
 11. 劉皇叔北海救孔融,呂溫侯濮陽破曹操 - Liu Bei Rescues Kong Rong At Beihai; Lu Bu Defeats Cao Cao Near Puyang
 12. 陶恭祖三讓徐州,曹孟德大戰呂布 - Tao Qian Thrice Offers Xuzhou To Liu Bei; Cao Cao Retakes Yanzhou From Lu Bu
 13. 李傕郭汜大交兵,楊奉董承雙救駕 - Li Jue and Guo Si Duel In Changan; The Emperor Establishes Anyi The New Capital
 14. 曹孟德移駕幸許都,呂奉先乘夜襲徐郡 - Cao Cao Moves The Court To Xuchang; Lu Bu Leads A Night Raid Against Xuzhou
 15. 太史慈酣鬥小霸王,孫伯符大戰嚴白虎 - Taishi Ci Fights With The Young Overlord; Sun Ce Cuts Short The White Tiger King
 16. 呂奉先射戟轅門,曹孟德拜師淯水 - In The Camp Gate, Lu Bu Shoots The Halberd; At River Yu, Cao Cao Suffers A Defeat
 17. 袁公路大起七軍,曹孟德會合三將 - Yuan Shu Marches Out Seven Armies; Cao Cao And Three Generals Join Forces
 18. 賈文和料敵決勝,夏侯惇拔失啖睛 - Giving Counsels, Jia Xu Directs A Great Victory; Braving Battlefield, Xiahou Dun Loses An Eye
 19. 下邳城曹操鏖兵,白門樓呂布殞命 - Cao Cao Makes Flood In Xiapi; Lu Bu Perishes At The White Gate Tower
 20. 曹阿瞞許田打圍,董國舅內閣受詔 - Cao Cao Organizes A Hunting Expedition In Xutian; Dong Cheng Receives A Secret Command In The Palace
 21. 曹操煮酒論英雄,關公賺城斬車胄 - In A Plum Garden, Cao Cao Discusses Heroes; Using The Host's Forces, Guan Yu Takes Xuzhou
 22. 袁曹各起馬步三軍,關張共擒王劉二將 - Yuan Shao And Cao Cao Both Take The Field; Guan Yu And Zhang Fei Captures Two Generals
 23. 禰正平裸衣罵賊,吉太醫下毒遭刑 - Mi Heng Slips His Garment And Rails At Traitors; Ji Ping Pledges To Kill The Prime Minister
 24. 國賊行兇殺貴妃,皇叔敗走投袁紹 - Cao Cao Murdered The Consort Dong; Liu Bei Flees To Yuan Shao
 25. 屯土山關公約三事,救白馬曹操解重圍 - Besieged In Tushan, Guan Yu Makes Three Conditions; Relieved At Baima, Cao Cao Beholds A Marvel
 26. 袁本初敗兵折將,關雲長挂印封金 - Yuan Shao Loses Another Leader; Guan Yu Abandons Rank And Wealth
 27. 美髯公千里走單騎,漢壽侯五關斬六將 - The Man Of Beautiful Beard Rides On A Solitary Journey; Guan Yu Slays Six Generals Through Five Passes
 28. 斬蔡陽兄弟釋疑,會古城主臣聚義 - Putting Cai Yang To Death, The Brothers' Doubts Disappear; Meeting At Gucheng, Lord and Lieges Fortify Each Other
 29. 小霸王怒斬于吉,碧眼兒坐領江東 - The Little Chief Of The South Slays Yu Ji; The Green Eyed Boy Lays Hold On The South Land
 30. 戰官渡本初敗績,劫烏巢孟德燒糧 - Shunning Advice, Yuan Shao Loses Leaders and Granaries; Using Strategy, Cao Cao Scores Victory At Guandu
 31. 曹操倉亭破本初,玄德荊州依劉表 - Cao Cao Overcomes Yuan Shao In Cangting; Liu Bei Seeks Shelter With Liu Biao In Jingzhou
 32. 奪冀州袁尚爭鋒,決漳河許攸獻計 - Jizhou Taken: Yuan Shang Strives; River Zhang Cut: Xu You Schemes
 33. 曹丕乘亂納甄氏,郭嘉遺計定遼東 - A Gallant Warrior, Cao Pi Marries Lady Zhen; An Expiring Star, Guo Jia Settles Liaodong
 34. 蔡夫人隔屏聽密語,劉皇叔躍馬過檀溪 - Behind The Screen, Lady Cai Overhears A Secret; Across The Tan Torrent, The Dilu Horse Carries Its Master
 35. 玄德南漳逢隱淪,單福新野遇英主 - Liu Bei Meets A Recluse At Nanzhang; Shan Fu Sees A Noble Lord At Xinye
 36. 玄德用計襲樊城,元直走馬薦諸葛 - Shan Fu's Strategy: Fankou Is Captured; Xu Shu's Affection: Zhuge Liang Is Recommended
 37. 司馬徽再薦名士,劉玄德三顧草廬 - Sima Hui Recommends A Scholar To Liu Bei; Liu Bei Pays Three Visits To The Sleeping Dragon Ridge
 38. 定三分隆中決策,戰長江孫氏報讎 - Zhuge Liang Plans For The Three Kingdoms; Sun Quan Attacks Xiakou To Take Revenges
 39. 荊州城公子三求計,博望坡軍師初用兵 - At Jingzhou, The Son Of Liu Biao Thrice Begs Advice; At Bowang Slope, The Directing Instructor Plans His First Battle
 40. 蔡夫人議獻荊州,諸葛亮火燒新野 - Lady Cai Renounces Jingzhou; Zhuge Liang Burns Xinye
 41. 劉玄德攜民渡江,趙子龍單騎救主 - Liu Bei Leads His People Over The River; Zhao Zilong Rescues The Child Lord At Dangyang
 42. 張翼德大鬧長板橋,劉豫州敗走漢津 - Screaming Zhang Fei Triumphs At Long Slope Bridge; Defeated Liu Bei Marches To Hanjin
 43. 諸葛亮舌戰群儒,魯子敬力排眾議 - Zhuge Liang Disputes With The Southern Scholars; Lu Su Denounces The Majority Opinion
 44. 孔明用智激周瑜,孫權決計破曹操 - Zhuge Liang Stirs Zhou Yu To Actions; Sun Quan Decides To Attack Cao Cao
 45. 三江口曹操折兵,群英會蔣幹中計 - At The Three Gorges, Cao Cao Loses Soldiers; In The Gathering Of Heroes, Jiang Gan Is Trapped
 46. 用奇謀孔明借箭,獻密計黃蓋受刑 - Using Strategy, Zhuge Liang Borrows Arrows; Joining A Ruse, Huang Gai Accepts Punishment
 47. 闞澤密獻詐書,龐統巧授連環計 - Kan Ze Presents A Treacherous Letter; Pang Tong Suggests Chaining The Ships
 48. 宴長江曹操賦詩,鎖戰船北軍用武 - Banquet On The Great River, Cao Cao Sings A Song; Battle On Water, Northerners Fight With Chained Ships
 49. 七星壇諸葛祭風,三江口周瑜縱火 - On Seven-Star Altar, Zhuge Liang Sacrifices To The Winds; At Three Gorges, Zhou Yu Liberates The Fire
 50. 諸葛亮智算華容,關雲長義釋曹操 - Zhuge Liang Foresees The Huarong Valley Episode; Guan Yu Lifts His Saber To Release Cao Cao
 51. 曹仁大戰東吳兵,孔明一氣周公瑾 - Cao Ren Withstands The South Land; Zhuge Liang Angers Zhou Yu
 52. 諸葛亮智辭魯肅,趙子龍計取桂陽 - Zhuge Liang Negotiates With Lu Su; Zhao Zilong Captures Guiyang
 53. 關雲長義釋黃漢升,孫仲謀大戰張文遠
 54. 吳國太佛寺看新郎,劉皇叔洞房續佳偶
 55. 玄德智激孫夫人,孔明二氣周公瑾
 56. 曹操大宴銅雀臺,孔明三氣周公瑾
 57. 柴桑口臥龍弔喪,耒陽縣鳳雛理事
 58. 馬孟起興兵雪恨,曹阿瞞割鬚棄袍
 59. 許褚裸衣鬥馬超,曹操抹書間韓遂
 60. 張永年反難楊脩,龐士元議取西蜀
 61. 趙雲截江奪阿斗,孫權遺書退老瞞
 62. 取涪關楊高授首,攻雒城黃魏爭功
 63. 諸葛亮痛哭龐統,張翼德義釋嚴顏
 64. 孔明定計捉張任,楊阜借兵破馬超
 65. 馬超大戰葭萌關,劉備自領益州牧
 66. 關雲長單刀赴會,伏皇后為國捐生
 67. 曹操平定漢中地,張遼威震逍遙津
 68. 甘寧百騎劫魏營,左慈擲盃戲曹操
 69. 卜周易管輅知機,討漢賊五臣死節
 70. 猛張飛智取瓦口隘,老黃忠計奪天蕩山
 71. 占對山黃忠逸待勞,據漢水趙雲寡勝眾
 72. 諸葛亮智取漢中,曹阿瞞兵退斜谷
 73. 玄德進位漢中王,雲長攻拔襄陽郡
 74. 龐令明臺櫬決死戰,關雲長放水渰七軍
 75. 關雲長刮骨療毒,呂子明白衣渡江
 76. 徐公明大戰沔水,關雲長敗走麥城
 77. 玉泉山關公顯聖,洛陽城曹操感神
 78. 治風疾神醫身死,傳遺命奸雄數終
 79. 兄逼弟曹植賦詩,姪陷叔劉封伏法
 80. 曹丕廢帝篡炎劉,漢王正位續大統
 81. 急兄讎張飛遇害,雪弟恨先主興兵
 82. 孫權降魏受九錫,先主征吳賞六軍
 83. 戰猇亭先主得讎人,守江口書生拜大將
 84. 陸遜營燒七百里,孔明巧布八陣圖
 85. 劉先主遺詔託孤兒,諸葛亮安居平五路
 86. 難張溫秦宓逞天辯,破曹丕徐盛用火攻
 87. 征南寇丞相大興師,抗天兵蠻王初受執
 88. 渡瀘水再縛番王,識詐降三擒孟獲
 89. 武鄉侯四番用計,南蠻王五次遭擒
 90. 驅巨獸六破蠻兵,燒藤甲七擒孟獲
 91. 祭瀘水漢相班師,伐中原武侯上表
 92. 趙子龍力斬五將,諸葛亮智取三城
 93. 姜伯約歸降孔明,武鄉侯罵死王朗
 94. 諸葛亮乘雪破羌兵,司馬懿剋日擒孟達
 95. 馬謖拒諫失街亭,武侯彈琴退仲達
 96. 孔明揮淚斬馬謖,周魴斷髮賺曹休
 97. 討魏國武侯再上表,破曹兵姜維詐獻書
 98. 追漢軍王雙受誅,襲陳倉武侯取勝
 99. 諸葛亮大破魏兵,司馬懿入寇西蜀
 100. 漢兵劫寨破曹真,武侯鬥陣辱仲達
 101. 出隴上諸葛妝神,奔劍閣張郃中計
 102. 司馬懿戰北原渭橋,諸葛亮造木牛流馬
 103. 上方谷司馬受困,五丈原諸葛禳星
 104. 隕大星漢丞相歸天,見木像魏都督喪膽
 105. 武侯預伏錦囊計,魏主拆取承露盤
 106. 公孫淵兵敗死襄平,司馬懿詐病賺曹爽
 107. 魏主政歸司馬氏,姜維兵敗牛頭山
 108. 丁奉雪中奮短兵,孫峻席間施密計
 109. 困司馬漢將奇謀,廢曹芳魏家果報
 110. 文鴦單騎退雄兵,姜維背水破大敵
 111. 鄧士載智敗姜伯約,諸葛誕義討司馬昭
 112. 救壽春于詮死節,取長城伯約鑿兵
 113. 丁奉定計斬孫綝,姜維鬥陣破鄧艾
 114. 曹髦驅車死南闕,姜維棄糧勝魏兵
 115. 詔班師後主信纔,託屯田姜維避禍
 116. 鍾會分兵漢中道,武侯顯聖定軍山
 117. 鄧士載偷渡陰平,諸葛瞻戰死綿竹
 118. 哭祖廟一王死孝,入西川二士爭功
 119. 假投降巧計成虛話,再受禪依樣畫葫蘆
 120. 薦杜預老將獻新謀,降孫皓三分歸一統
URN: ctp:sanguo-yanyi