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Scope: Order to Cultivate Waste Lands Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "以商之口數使商令之廝輿徒重者必當名則農逸而商勞" Matched:1.
Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.

墾令 - Order to Cultivate Waste Lands

English translation: J. J. L. Duyvendak [?]
Books referencing 《墾令》 Library Resources
18 墾令:
Order to Cultivate Waste...:
If merchants are made to serve according to their full complement, and if their multitudes of servants and crowds of followers are obliged to be registered, then farmers will have leisure and merchants will be harassed; farmers having leisure, fertile land will not lie fallow; merchants being harassed, the custom of sending presents backwards and forwards will not pervade the various districts. (If fertile land does not lie fallow) farmers will not suffer from famines, (and if the custom of sending presents backwards and forwards does not pervade the various districts), there will be no ostentatious conduct. If farmers do not suffer from famines and there is no ostentatious conduct, then public activities will be pursued with energy, and in the sphere of private activities there will be no fallow fields. (This being so), then agricultural affairs will certainly excel, and this being the case, it is certain waste lands will be brought under cultivation.

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.