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Scope: Shang Jun Shu Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "partizans" Matched:2.
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商君書 - Shang Jun Shu

[Warring States (475 BC - 221 BC)]
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[Also known as: 《商子》, "The Book of Lord Shang"]

慎法 - Attention to Law

English translation: J. J. L. Duyvendak [?] Library Resources
1 慎法:
Attention to Law:
Generally, there is no one in the world, who does not base order on the causes of disorder. Therefore, to a limited degree of order corresponds a limited degree of disorder, and to a great degree of order corresponds a great degree of disorder: There is no ruler of men who can give order to his people for all time, nor is there a country in the world that has not known disorder. What do I mean by saying that one bases order on the causes of disorder? Raising virtuous and capable men is the cause of bringing order into the world, but it is also the cause of order becoming disorder. Those whom the world calls virtuous are men whose words are upright. the reason why they are regarded as upright in words is due to their partizans. Hearing their words, one takes them to be capable, and on asking their partizans, one thinks that they are indeed so. Therefore, one prizes them without waiting for them to acquire actual merit, or one punishes them without waiting for them to commit crimes. In these circumstances, vile officials are given precisely the opportunity to accomplish their wicked and dangerous acts, and small-minded men have an opportunity to apply their dexterous and crafty tricks. If in the beginning a basis for wickedness and craftiness is provided for officials and people, then if finally one tries to make them correct and guileless, even (a great sage like) Yu could not succeed in causing as many as ten men to be like that. How then could an ordinary ruler manage the people of the whole country in this way?

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.