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译文对照:[不显示] [英文翻译]
-> -> -> 天子


英文翻译:理雅各(James Legge)[?]
提到《天子》的书籍 电子图书馆
1 天子:
Filial Piety in the...:
The Master said, "He who loves his parents will not dare (to incur the risk of) being hated by any man, and he who reveres his parents will not dare (to incur the risk of) being contemned by any man. When the love and reverence (of the Son of Heaven) are thus carried to the utmost in the service of his parents, the lessons of his virtue affect all the people, and he becomes a pattern to (all within) the four seas. This is the filial piety of the Son of Heaven.
It is said in (the Marquis of) Fu on Punishments: The One man will have felicity, and the millions of the people will depend on (what ensures his happiness)."

URN: ctp:xiao-jing/filial-piety-in-the-son-of-heaven