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Scope: Zhong and Li Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "曰始皇方虎挒而梟磔噬士猶臘肉也" Matched:1.
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重黎卷第十 - Zhong and Li

English translation: Jeffrey S. Bullock [?] Library Resources
16 重黎卷第... :
Zhong and Li:
Someone asked about Chunyu Yue.
Yangzi said: He stood strong, and yielded.
The other said: May I ask about it?
Yangzi said: At that time the First Emperor snapped bones like a tiger, tore open flesh like an owl, and he bit into scholars like sacrificial meat. Chunyu Yue courageously raised an eyebrow at him, and in the end never said a flattering word. This can be called standing strong. He served the government without worrying about the kingdom's politics, he supported himself without worrying about salary, and took part without worrying about flattering anyone. He cultivated a good reputation in private without disobeying orders. This can be called yielding.

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.