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先秦两汉 - Pre-Qin and Han

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儒家 - Confucianism

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论语 - The Analects

[Spring and Autumn - Warring States] 480 BC-350 BC
Books referencing 《论语》 Library Resources
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[Also known as: "The Analects of Confucius", "The Confucian Analects"]

子罕 - Zi Han

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《子罕》 Library Resources
7 子罕:
Zi Han:
Lao said, "The Master said, 'Having no official employment, I acquired many arts.'"

论衡 - Lunheng

[Eastern Han] 80 Wang Chong
Books referencing 《论衡》 Library Resources

自然 - Ziran

English translation: Albert Forke [?] Library Resources
12 自然:
Those who believe in reprimands, refer to human ways as a proof. Among men a sovereign reprimands his minister, and high Heaven reprimands the sovereign. It does so by means of calamitous events, they say. However, among men it also happens that the minister remonstrates with his sovereign. When Heaven reprimands an emperor by visiting him with calamities, and the latter wishes at that time to remonstrate with high Heaven, how can he do it? If they say that Heaven's virtue is so perfect, that man cannot remonstrate with it, then Heaven possessed of such virtue, ought likewise to keep quiet, and ought not to reprimand. When the sovereign of Wan Shi did wrong, the latter did not say a word, but at table he did not eat, which showed his perfection. An excellent man can remain silent, and august Heaven with his sublime virtue should reprimand? Heaven does not act, therefore it does not speak. The disasters, which so frequently occur, are the work of the spontaneous fluid. Heaven and Earth cannot act, nor do they possess any knowledge. When there is a cold in the stomach, it aches. This is not caused by man, but the spontaneous working of the fluid. The space between Heaven and Earth is like that between the back and the stomach.
If Heaven is regarded as the author of every calamity, are all abnormities, great and small, complicated and simple, caused by Heaven also? A cow may give birth to a horse, and on a cherry-tree a plum may grow. Does, according to the theory under discussion, the spirit of Heaven enter the belly of the cow to create the horse, or stick a plum upon a cherry-tree?
Lao said, "The Master said," "Having no official employment, I acquired many arts," and he said, "When I was young, my condition was low, and therefore I acquired my ability in many things, but they were mean matters." What is low in people, such as ability and skilfulness, is not practised by the great ones. How could Heaven, which is so majestic and sublime, choose to bring about catastrophes with a view to reprimanding people?
Moreover, auspicious and inauspicious events are like the flushed colour appearing on the face. Man cannot produce it, the colour comes out of itself. Heaven and Earth are like the human body, the transformation of their fluid, like the flushed colour. Man cannot produce the flushed colour - how can Heaven and Earth cause the sudden change of their fluid? The change of the fluid is spontaneous, it appears of itself, as the colour comes out of itself. The soothsayers rely on this, when they foretell the future.

史书 - Histories

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史记 - Shiji

[Western Han] 109 BC-91 BC Sima Qian
Books referencing 《史记》 Library Resources
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[Also known as: "Records of the Grand Historian"]


Books referencing 《世家》 Library Resources


Books referencing 《孔子世家》 Library Resources
70 孔子世家:

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