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先秦两汉 - Pre-Qin and Han

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儒家 - Confucianism

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说苑 - Shuo Yuan

[Western Han (206 BC - 9)] Liu Xiang
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23 敬慎:

孔子家语 - Kongzi Jiayu

[Han (206 BC - 220)]
Books referencing 《孔子家语》 Library Resources
[Also known as: 《家语》]


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3 贤君:

墨家 - Mohism

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[Also known as: "Moism"]

墨子 - Mozi

[Spring and Autumn - Warring States] 490 BC-221 BC English translation: W. P. Mei [?]
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[Also known as: "Mo-tze"]

卷一 - Book 1

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七患 - The seven causes of anxiety

English translation: W. P. Mei [?] Library Resources
4 七患:
The seven causes of...:
Therefore, famine and dearth cannot be prepared against unless there are stored grains in the granaries, and justice cannot be maintained against the unjust unless there are ready weapons in the armoury. One cannot defend himself unless the inner and the outer city walls are in repair, and one cannot meet emergencies unless his ideas are well thought out. Thus Qing Ji was unprepared, and he should not have set out on the journey. Jie made no preparations against Tang and he was sent to exile. And Zhou made no preparations against Wu and he was executed. Now, Jie and Zhou were both emperors in rank and possessed the whole empire, yet they both perished at the hands of rulers (of states) of only a hundred li square. What is the reason for this? Because they depended on their rank and wealth and made no preparations. Therefore, preparation is what a country should emphasize. Supply is the treasure of a country, armament its claws, and the city walls are the stronghold of its self-defence. And these three items are the essentials to the existence of a state.

1. 仓 : Originally read: "食". Corrected by 孙诒让《墨子闲诂》

卷八 - Book 8

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明鬼下 - On Ghosts III

English translation: W. P. Mei [?] Library Resources
17 明鬼下:
On Ghosts III:
Really the intelligence of the ghosts and spirits cannot be combated. Even in solitary caves, big ponds, woods and valleys, the ghosts and spirits are watching. And the punishments from ghosts and spirits cannot be evaded. Even wealth and great numbers, daring and strength, strong armour and sharp weapons, the punishment of ghosts and spirits will frustrate. If this is doubted, look at the story of the ancient King Jie of Xia. He was an emperor in honour and possessed the whole empire in wealth. He cursed Heaven and blasphemed against the spirits above and destroyed the multitudes below. Thereupon Heaven commissioned Tang to carry out the judicious punishment. With nine chariots Tang arranged the Bird Formation and the Wild Goose March. He climbed the Dacan and scattered the forces of Xia and entered its land. And he captured Tui Yi Da Xi. Now, King Jie of Xia was an emperor in honour and possessed the whole empire in wealth. In his service was the man of great daring and strength, Tui Yi Da Xi, who had torn apart a buffalo alive. He could kill a man at the move of a finger, and the number of those killed amounted to a million, and they were thrown into lakes and mountains. Yet, for all this, Jie coald not evade the punishment from ghosts and spirits. This is why I say even wealth and numbers, daring and strength, strong armour and sharp weapons cannot combat the punishment from ghosts and spirits.

1. 为 : Inserted. 孙诒让《墨子闲诂》
2. 力 : Inserted. 孙诒让《墨子闲诂》
3. 人 : Inserted. 孙诒让《墨子闲诂》

18 明鬼下:
On Ghosts III:
Not only is this so. Anciently, King Zhou of Yin was also an emperor in honour and possessed the whole empire in wealth. He cursed Heaven and blasphemed against the spirits above and destroyed the multitudes below. He exposed the aged and murdered the children, tortured the innocent, and opened a pregnant woman. The common people and the widows and the widowers cried aloud, but were not heard. Thereupon Heaven commissioned King Wu to carry out the judicious punishment. With a hundred selected chariots and four hundred warriors King Wu appointed his officials and reviewed his forces. He battled the armies of Yin in the Wilderness of Mu. He captured Fei Zhong and E Lai, and the multitude deserted and ran away. King Wu rushed into the palace. He executed Zhou and hung him on a red ring with his crimes published on a white flag, to punish him for the feudal lords in the empire. Now King Zhou of Yin was an emperor in honour and possessed the whole empire in wealth. He had men of such daring and strength as Fei Zhong, E Lai, and Duke Hu of Zhong, who could kill a man at the move of a finger; and the number of those killed amounted to a million, and they were thrown into the lakes and mountains. Yet with all these Zhou could not evade the punishment from the ghosts and spirits. This is why I say even wealth and numbers, daring and strength, strong armour and sharp weapons cannot frustrate the punishment from ghosts and spirits. Moreover, Qin Ai has said: "No virtue is too small, no extermination of a lineage is too big." This is to say, in distribution of rewards by ghosts and spirits no man is too insignificant to be rewarded for his virtue. And in the meting out of punishment by ghosts and spirits no man is too great to be punished.

卷九 - Book 9

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非命下 - Anti-Fatalism III

English translation: W. P. Mei [?] Library Resources
2 非命下:
Anti-Fatalism III:
When the ancient sage-kings of the Three Dynasties, Yu, Tang, Wen, and Wu, ruled, they said: "We must promote the filial sons and encourage them in serving their parents, and we must honour the virtuous and good men and instruct them in doing good." In this way they administered the government and published instructions, rewarded the good and punished the evil. It seems in this way the confusion in the world could be reduced to order, and the danger of the state could be transformed into safety. If this is doubted, (let us recall): In ancient times, the disorder of Jie was reduced to order by Tang, that of Zhou was reduced to order by King Wu. Then the times did not change nor did the people alter. Yet when the superior changed regime the subordinates modified their conduct. With Jie and Zhou the world was chaotic, under Tang and Wu it became orderly. That the world became orderly was due to the endeavour of Tang and Wu. That the world was chaotic was due to the sin of Jie and Zhou. Judging from this, safety and danger, order and chaos all depend on the way the superior conducts the government. How can it be said, there is fate? In ancient times when Yu, Tang, Wen, and Wu ruled the empire, they said: "We must feed the hungry, clothe the cold, give the weary rest, and the disturbed peace." Thus their good name was heard all over the world. Can this be ascribed to fate? It is really due to endeavour. The virtuous and gentle of today respect virtue and pursue the ways and means (to benefit the world). Hence they are rewarded by the rulers above and praised by the people below. And their good name is heard all over the world. Can this be ascribed to fate? This is also due to their endeavour. Now, were those who believed in fate the sages of the Three Dynasties or the wicked of the Three Dynasties? Judging from the nature of this doctrine, it could not be the sages of the Three Dynasties, but must be the wicked that believed in fate. The ancient wicked kings of the Three Dynasties, Jie, Zhou, You, and Li, were honoured as emperors and possessed the whole world in wealth. Yet they could not control the sensuality of their ears and eyes, but gave rein to their passions. Going out they would race, hunt, and trap. Staying indoors they revelled in wine and music. They did not attend to the government of the country and the people, but did much that was of no use. And they oppressed and violated the people. Thus they lost their ancestral temple. They would not confess: "I am insolent and stupid. I did not attend to government diligently." But they would say: "It is but my fate that I lose it." Even the insolent people of the Three Dynasties were like this. They could not well serve their parents and their lord. They greatly hated politeness and frugality but liked licence and ease. They indulged in eating and drinking and were lazy at work. Their means of clothing and food became insufficient, and they incurred the danger of hunger and cold. They would not confess: "I am stupid and insolent, I am not diligent in my work." But they also said: "It is but my fate that I am poor." Thus the insolent people of the Three Dynasties also believed in fate.

道家 - Daoism

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庄子 - Zhuangzi

[Warring States] 350 BC-250 BC
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[Also known as: 《南华真经》]

杂篇 - Miscellaneous Chapters

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盗跖 - The Robber Zhi

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《盗跖》 Library Resources
2 盗跖:
The Robber Zhi:
Zi-zhang asked Man Gou-de, saying, 'Why do you not pursue a (righteous) course? Without such a course you will not be believed in; unless you are believed in, you will not be employed in office; and if not employed in office, you will not acquire gain. Thus, if you look at the matter from the point of reputation, or estimate it from the point of gain, a righteous course is truly the right thing. If you discard the thought of reputation and gain, yet when you think over the thing in your own mind, you will see that the scholar should not be a single day without pursuing a (righteous) course.' Man Gou-de said, 'He who has no shame becomes rich, and he in whom many believe becomes illustrious. Thus the greatest fame and gain would seem to spring from being without shame and being believed in. Therefore if you look at the matter from the point of reputation, or estimate it from the point of gain, to be believed in is the right thing. If you discard the thought of fame and gain, and think over the thing in your own mind, you will see that the scholar in the course which he pursues is (simply) holding fast his Heavenly (nature, and gaining nothing).'
Zi-zhang said, 'Formerly Jie and Zhou each enjoyed the honour of being the sovereign, and all the wealth of the kingdom was his; but if you now say to a (mere) money-grabber, "Your conduct is like that of Jie or Zhou," he will look ashamed, and resent the imputation: (these two sovereigns) are despised by the smallest men. Zhongni and Mo Di (on the other hand) were poor, and common men; but if you say to a Prime Minister that his conduct is like that of Zhongni or Mo Di, then he will be put out and change countenance, and protest that he is not worthy (to be so spoken of): (these two philosophers) are held to be truly noble by (all) scholars. Thus it is that the position of sovereign does not necessarily connect with being thought noble, nor the condition of being poor and of common rank with being thought mean. The difference of being thought noble or mean arises from the conduct being good or bad.' Man Gou-de replied, 'Small robbers are put in prison; a great robber becomes a feudal lord; and in the gate of the feudal lord your righteous scholars will be found. For instance, Xi-bo, the duke Huan, killed his elder brother, and took his sister-in-law to himself, and yet Guan Zhong became his minister; and Tian Cheng, styled Cheng-zi, killed his ruler, and usurped the state, and yet Confucius received a present of silks from him. In their discussions they would condemn the men, but in their conduct they abased themselves before them. In this way their words and actions must have been at war together in their breasts - was it not a contradiction and perversity? As it is said in a book, "Who is bad? and who is good? The successful is regarded as the Head, and the unsuccessful as the Tail."'
Zi-zhang said, 'If you do not follow the usual course of what is held to be right, but observe no distinction between the near and remote degrees of kin, no difference between the noble and the mean, no order between the old and the young, then how shall a separation be made of the fivefold arrangement (of the virtues), and the six parties (in the social organisation)?' Man Gou-de replied, 'Yao killed his eldest son, and Shun banished his half-brother': did they observe the rules about the different degrees of kin? Tang deposed Jie; king Wu overthrew Zhou: did they observe the righteousness that should obtain between the noble and the mean? King Ji took the place of his elder brother, and the duke of Zhou killed his: did they observe the order that should obtain between the elder and the younger? The Literati make hypocritical speeches; the followers of Mo hold that all should be loved equally: do we find in them the separation of the fivefold arrangement (of the virtues), and the six parties (in the social organisation)? And further, you, Sir, are all for reputation, and I am all for gain; but where the actual search for reputation and gain may not be in accordance with principle and will not bear to be examined in the light of the right way, let me and you refer the matter to-morrow to the decision of Wu-yue.' (This Wu-yue) said, 'The small man pursues after wealth; the superior man pursues after reputation. The way in which they change their feelings and alter their nature is different; but if they were to cast away what they do, and replace it with doing nothing, they would be the same. Hence it is said, "Do not be a small man - return and pursue after the Heavenly in you. Do not be a superior man - follow the rule of the Heavenly in you. Be it crooked, be it straight, view the thing in the light of Heaven as revealed in you. Look all round on every side of it, and as the time indicates, cease your endeavours. Be it right, be it wrong, hold fast the ring in yourself in which all conditions converge. Alone by yourself, carry out your idea; ponder over the right way. Do not turn your course; do not try to complete your righteousness. You will fail in what you do. Do not haste to be rich; do not follow after your perfection. If you do, you will lose the heavenly in you." Bi-gan had his heart cut out; Zi-xu had his eyes gouged out: such were the evil consequences of their loyalty. The upright person bore witness against his father; Wei Sheng was drowned: such were the misfortunes of good faith. Bao-zi stood till he was dried up; Shan-zi would not defend himself: such were the injuries brought on by disinterestedness. Confucius did not see his mother; Kuang-zi did not see his father: such were the failures of the righteous. These are instances handed down from former ages, and talked about in these later times. They show us how superior men, in their determination to be correct in their words and resolute in their conduct, paid the penalty of these misfortunes, and were involved in these distresses.'

1. 子张 : 这里只是借用他的名字,并不是真的写子张其人其事。

法家 - Legalism

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管子 - Guanzi

[Warring States - Han (475 BC - 220)]
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形势解 - Xing Shi Jie

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63 形势解:

杂家 - Miscellaneous Schools

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吕氏春秋 - Lü Shi Chun Qiu

[Warring States] 247 BC-239 BC Lu Bu-wei
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[Also known as: 《吕览》]


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5 功名:

史书 - Histories

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史记 - Shiji

[Western Han] 109 BC-91 BC Sima Qian
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[Also known as: "Records of the Grand Historian"]


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19 淮南衡山... :

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