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Condition 1: References "然而天何欲何恶者也" Matched:3.
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先秦两汉 - Pre-Qin and Han

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墨家 - Mohism

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[Also known as: "Moism"]

墨子 - Mozi

[Spring and Autumn - Warring States] 490 BC-221 BC English translation: W. P. Mei [?]
Books referencing 《墨子》 Library Resources
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[Also known as: "Mo-tze"]

卷一 - Book 1

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法仪 - On the necessity of standards

English translation: W. P. Mei [?] Library Resources
3 法仪:
On the necessity of...:
What then should be taken as the standard in government? Nothing better than following Heaven. Heaven is all-inclusive and impartial in its activities, abundant and unceasing in its blessings, and lasting and untiring in its guidance. And, so, when the sage-kings had accepted Heaven as their standard, they measured every action and enterprise by Heaven. What Heaven desired they would carry out, what Heaven abominated they refrained from. Now, what is it that Heaven desires, and what that it abominates? Certainly Heaven desires to have men benefit and love one another and abominates to have them hate and harm one another. How do we know that Heaven desires to have men love and benefit one another and abominates to have them hate and harm one another? Because it loves and benefits men universally. How do we know that it loves and benefits men universally? Because it claims all and accepts offerings from all.

卷七 - Book 7

Library Resources

天志上 - Will of Heaven I

English translation: W. P. Mei [?] Library Resources
2 天志上:
Will of Heaven I:
Now, what does Heaven desire and what does it abominate? Heaven desires righteousness and abominates unrighteousness. Therefore, in leading the people in the world to engage in doing righteousness I should be doing what Heaven desires. When I do what Heaven desires, Heaven will also do what I desire. Now, what do I desire and what do I abominate? I desire blessings and emoluments, and abominate calamities and misfortunes. When I do not do what Heaven desires, neither will Heaven do what I desire. Then I should be leading the people into calamities and misfortunes. But how do we know Heaven desires righteousness and abominates unrighteousness? For, with righteousness the world lives and without it the world dies; with it the world becomes rich and without it the world becomes poor; with it the world becomes orderly and without it the world becomes chaotic. And if Heaven likes to have the world live and dislikes to have it die, likes to have it rich and dislikes to have it poor, and likes to have it orderly and dislikes to have it disorderly. Therefore we know Heaven desires righteousness and abominates unrighteousness.

1. 我 : Inserted. 孙诒让《墨子闲诂》
2. 若我不为天之所欲,而为天之所不欲, : Inserted. 孙诒让《墨子闲诂》
3. 以 : Inserted. 孙诒让《墨子闲诂》

汉代之后 - Post-Han

隋唐 - Sui-Tang


[Tang] 631 Library Resources


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Library Resources


Library Resources
1 法仪:

Total 3 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.