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先秦两汉 - Pre-Qin and Han

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儒家 - Confucianism

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礼记 - Liji

[Warring States (475 BC - 221 BC)] English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《礼记》 Library Resources
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[Also known as: 《小戴礼记》, "The Classic of Rites"]

祭义 - Ji Yi

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《祭义》 Library Resources
[Also known as: "The meaning of sacrifices"]

40 祭义:
Ji Yi:
Anciently, the sages, having determined the phenomena of heaven and earth in their states of rest and activity, made them the basis of the Yi (and divining by it). The diviner held the tortoise-shell in his arms, with his face towards the south, while the son of Heaven, in his dragon-robe and square-topped cap, stood with his face to the north. The latter, however intelligent might be his mind, felt it necessary to set forth and obtain a decision on what his object was;-showing that he did not dare to take his own way, and giving honour to Heaven (as the supreme Decider). What was good in him (or in his views) he ascribed to others; what was wrong, to himself; thus teaching not to boast, and giving honour to men of talents and virtue.

祭统 - Ji Tong

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《祭统》 Library Resources
[Also known as: "A summary account of sacrifices"]

21 祭统:
Ji Tong:
Anciently the intelligent rulers conferred rank on the virtuous, and emoluments on the meritorious; and the rule was that this should take place in the Grand temple, to show that they did not dare to do it on their own private motion. Therefore, on the day of sacrifice, after the first presenting (of the cup to the representative), the ruler descended and stood on the south of the steps on the east, with his face to the south, while those who were to receive their appointments stood facing the north. The recorder was on the right of the ruler, holding the tablets on which the appointments were written. He read these, and (each man) bowed twice, with his head to the ground, received the writing, returned (home), and presented it in his (own) ancestral temple - such was the way in which rank and reward were given.

坊记 - Fang Ji

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《坊记》 Library Resources
[Also known as: "Record of the dykes"]

31 坊记:
Fang Ji:
The Master said, 'Filial duty may be transferred to the service of the ruler, and brotherly submission to the service of elders - showing the people that they ought not to be double-minded. Hence a superior man, while his ruler is alive, should not take counsel about taking office (in another state). It is only on the day of his consulting the tortoise-shell (about such a thing) that he will mention two rulers.' The mourning for a father lasts for three years, and that for a ruler the same time - showing the people that they must not doubt (about the duty which they owe to their ruler). While his parents are alive, a son should not dare to consider his wealth as his own, nor to hold any of it as for his own private use - showing the people how they should look on the relation between high and low. Hence the son of Heaven cannot be received with the ceremonies of a guest anywhere within the four seas, and no one can presume to be his host. Hence, also, when a ruler goes to a minister's (mansion) he goes up to the hall by the (host's) steps on the east and proceeds to the place (of honour) in the hall: showing the people that they should not dare to consider their houses their own. While his parents are alive, the gifts presented to a son should not extend to a carriage and its team - showing the people that they should not dare to monopolise (any honours). All these usages were intended to keep the people from transgressing their proper bounds; and yet there are those who forget their parents, and are double-minded to their ruler.'

白虎通德论 - Bai Hu Tong

[Eastern Han] 79-92 Ban Gu
Books referencing 《白虎通德论》 Library Resources
[Also known as: 《白虎通义》, 《白虎通》]


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3 三军:

7 三军:

孔丛子 - Kongcongzi

[Eastern Han - Three Kingdoms (25 - 265)]
Books referencing 《孔丛子》 Library Resources
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Books referencing 《儒服》 Library Resources
5 儒服:

史书 - Histories

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史记 - Shiji

[Western Han] 109 BC-91 BC Sima Qian
Books referencing 《史记》 Library Resources
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[Also known as: "Records of the Grand Historian"]

本纪 - Annals

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五帝本纪 - Annals of the Five Emperors

Books referencing 《五帝本纪》 Library Resources
26 五帝本纪:
Annals of the Five...:
When Shun was twenty years of age he was noted for his filial piety, at thirty Yao raised him to office, at fifty he assisted in the administration of Imperial affairs, when he was fifty-eight Yao died, and when he was sixty-one he sat on the Imperial throne in Yao's stead. After he had occupied the Imperial throne thirty-nine years, he went on a hunting expedition to the south, died in the desert of Cangwu, and was buried at a place called Lingling (broken hillocks) in the Jiuyi range in Jiangnan province. After Shun had come to the throne, and was flying the Imperial flag, he went to pay a visit to his father, Gusou, and addressed him in a grave and respectful manner, as a son should do. He raised his brother Xiang to the rank of prince. Shun's son Shang-jun was also degenerate, so that Shun, being prepared, recommended Yu to the notice of Heaven, and seventeen years later he died. When the three years' mourning was over, Yu also yielded to Shun's son just as Shun had yielded to Yao's son, but the princes gave their allegiance to Yu, and he thereupon came to the Imperial throne. Yao's son Danzhu, and Shun's son Shangjun, both held territory so that they might be enabled to perform sacrifices to their ancestors; they paid the due observances, such as religious ceremonies and music, and they went to the audiences as the Emperor's guests. The Emperor did not dare, without due notification from his ministers, to act on his own responsibility.

汉代之后 - Post-Han

宋明 - Song-Ming


[Northern Song] 977-984 Library Resources


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15 出师:


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13 卜上:


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8 卜下:

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