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先秦两汉 - Pre-Qin and Han

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儒家 - Confucianism

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白虎通德论 - Bai Hu Tong

[Eastern Han] 79-92 Ban Gu
Books referencing 《白虎通德论》 Library Resources
[Also known as: 《白虎通义》, 《白虎通》]


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Books referencing 《巡狩》 Library Resources
3 巡狩:

风俗通义 - Fengsu Tongyi

[Eastern Han] 190-200
Books referencing 《风俗通义》 Library Resources


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2 五岳:

经典文献 - Ancient Classics

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周易 - Book of Changes

[Western Zhou (1046 BC - 771 BC)]
Books referencing 《周易》 Library Resources
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[Also known as: 《易》, "I Ching", "Yi Jing"]

系辞上 - Xi Ci I

English translation: James Legge [?] Library Resources
[Also known as: "The Great Treatise I"]

9 系辞上:
Xi Ci I:
To heaven belongs (the number) 1; to earth, 2; to heaven, 3; to earth, 4; to heaven, 5; to earth, 6; to heaven, 7; to earth, 8; to heaven, 9; to earth, 10. The numbers belonging to heaven are five, and those belonging to earth are (also) five. The numbers of these two series correspond to each other (in their fixed positions), and each one has another that may be considered its mate. The heavenly numbers amount to 25, and the earthly to 30. The numbers of heaven and earth together amount to 55. It is by these that the changes and transformations are effected, and the spirit-like agencies kept in movement. The numbers of the Great Expansion, (multiplied together), make 50, of which (only) 49 are used (in divination). (The stalks representing these) are divided into two heaps to represent the two (emblematic lines, or heaven and earth). One is then taken (from the heap on the right), and placed (between the little finger of the left hand and the next), that there may thus be symbolised the three (powers of heaven, earth, and man). (The heaps on both sides) are manipulated by fours to represent the four seasons; and then the remainders are returned, and placed (between) the two middle fingers of the left hand, to represent the intercalary month. In five years there are two intercalations, and therefore there are two operations; and afterwards the whole process is repeated.
The numbers (required) for Qian (or the undivided line) amount to 216; those for Kun (or the divided line), to 144. Together they are 36o, corresponding to the days of the year. The number produced by the lines in the two parts (of the Yi) amount to 11,520, corresponding to the number of all things. Therefore by means of the four operations is the Yi completed. It takes 18 changes to form a hexagram. (The formation of) the eight trigrams constitutes the small completion (of the Yi). If we led on the diagrams and expanded them, if we prolonged each by the addition of the proper lines, then all events possible under the sky might have their representation. (The diagrams) make manifest (by their appended explanations), the ways (of good and ill fortune), and show virtuous actions in their spiritual relations. In this way, by consulting them, we may receive an answer (to our doubts), and we may also by means of them assist the spiritual (power in its agency in nature and providence). The Master said: - 'He who knows the method of change and transformation may be said to know what is done by that spiritual (power).'

字书 - Etymology

说文解字 - Shuo Wen Jie Zi

[Eastern Han] 100-121 Xu Shen
Books referencing 《说文解字》 Library Resources
[Also known as: 《说文》]


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79 王部:

汉代之后 - Post-Han

隋唐 - Sui-Tang


[Tang] 624 Library Resources


Library Resources


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Library Resources
1 巡守:

宋明 - Song-Ming


[Northern Song] 977-984 Library Resources


Library Resources

Library Resources
1 闰:

2 闰:


Library Resources


Library Resources
12 禘祫:


Library Resources


Library Resources
9 巡狩:


Library Resources


Library Resources
16 筮上:

Total 10 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.