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经典文献 - Ancient Classics

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诗经 - Book of Poetry

[Western Zhou (1046 BC - 771 BC)] English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《诗经》 Library Resources
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[Also known as: 《诗》, "The Book of Odes"]

国风 - Lessons from the states

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《国风》 Library Resources

齐风 - Odes Of Qi

Books referencing 《齐风》 Library Resources

猗嗟 - Yi Jie

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《猗嗟》 Library Resources
3 猗嗟:
Yi Jie:
Alas for him, so beautiful!
His bright eyes and high forehead how lovely!
His dancing so choice!
Sure to send his arrows right through!
The four all going to the same place!
One able to withstand rebellion!

秦风 - Odes Of Qin

Books referencing 《秦风》 Library Resources

小戎 - Xiao Rong

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《小戎》 Library Resources
1 小戎:
Xiao Rong:
[There is] his short war carriage; -
With the ridge-like end of its pole, elegantly bound in five places;
With its slip rings and side straps,
And the traces attached by gilt rings to the masked transverse;
With its beautiful mat of tiger's skin, and its long naves;
With its piebalds, and horses with white left feet.
When I think of my husband [thus],
Looking bland and soft as a piece of jade;
Living there in his plank house;
It sends confusion into all the corners of my heart.

小雅 - Minor odes of the kingdom

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《小雅》 Library Resources

鹿鸣之什 - Decade Of Lu Ming

Library Resources

常棣 - Chang Di

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《常棣》 Library Resources
5 常棣:
Chang Di:
When death and disorder are past,
And there are tranquillity and rest;
Although they have brothers,
[Some] reckon them not equal to friends.

彤弓之什 - Decade Of Tong Gong

Library Resources

沔水 - Mian Shui

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《沔水》 Library Resources
1 沔水:
Mian Shui:
In large volume, those flowing waters,
Go to the court of the sea.
Rapid is that flying falcon,
Now soaring, now resting.
Alas! among my brethren,
My countrymen, my friends,
No one is willing to think of the prevailing disorder;
[But] who has not parents [to suffer from it]?

祈父之什 - Decade Of Qi Fu

Library Resources

节南山 - Jie Nan Shan

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《节南山》 Library Resources
2 节南山:
Jie Nan Shan:
Lofty is that southern hill,
And vigorously grows the vegetation on it!
Awe-inspiring are you, O [Grand] master Yin,
But how is it that you are so unjust?
Heaven is continually redoubling its afflictions;
Deaths and disorder increase and multiply;
No words of satisfaction come from the people;
And yet you do not correct nor bemoan yourself!

6 节南山:
Jie Nan Shan:
O unpitying, great Heaven,
There is no end to the disorder!
With every month it continues to grow,
So that the people have no repose.
I am as if intoxicated with the grief of my heart.
Who holds the ordering of the kingdom?
Not attending himself to the government,
The issue is toil and pain to the people.

小旻之什 - Decade Of Xiao Min

Library Resources

巧言 - Qiao Yan

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《巧言》 Library Resources
1 巧言:
Qiao Yan:
O vast and distant Heaven,
Who art called our parent,
That without crime or offence,
I should suffer from disorders thus great!
The terrors of great Heaven are excessive,
But indeed I have committed no crime.
[The terrors of] great Heaven are very excessive,
But indeed I have committed no offence.

2 巧言:
Qiao Yan:
Disorder then comes to the birth,
When the first untruth is received.
Its further increase,
Is from our sovereign's believing the slanderers.
If he were to be angry [with them],
The disorder would probably quickly be abated;
If he were to show his joy [in the good],
The disorder would probably quickly cease.

3 巧言:
Qiao Yan:
Our sovereign makes frequent covenants,
And the disorders are thereby increased.
He believes the scoundrels,
And the disorders thereby grow into oppression.
Their words are very sweet,
And the disorders thereby advance.
They do not discharge their duties,
But only create distress to the king.

6 巧言:
Qiao Yan:
Who are they?
They [are like men who] dwell on the banks of the river;
And they have neither strenghth nor courage,
While yet they rear the steps of disorder!
With legs ulcerated and swollen,
What courage can you have?
You form plans great and many,
But your followers about you are few.

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