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经典文献 - Ancient Classics

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诗经 - Book of Poetry

[Western Zhou (1046 BC - 771 BC)] English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《诗经》 Library Resources
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[Also known as: 《诗》, "The Book of Odes"]

国风 - Lessons from the states

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《国风》 Library Resources

卫风 - Odes Of Wei

Books referencing 《卫风》 Library Resources

淇奥 - Qi Yu

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《淇奥》 Library Resources
2 淇奥:
Qi Yu:
Look at those recesses in the banks of the Qi,
With their green bamboos, so strong and luxuriant!
There is our elegant and accomplished prince, -
With his ear-stoppers of beautiful pebbles,
And his cap, glittering as with stars between the seams!
How grave is he and dignified!
How commanding and distinguished!
Our elegant and accomplished prince, -
Never can he be forgotten!

郑风 - Odes Of Zheng

Books referencing 《郑风》 Library Resources

子衿 - Zi Jin

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《子衿》 Library Resources
1 子衿:
Zi Jin:
O you, with the blue collar,
Prolonged is the anxiety of my heart.
Although I do not go [to you],
Why do you not continue your messages [to me]?

2 子衿:
Zi Jin:
O you with the blue [strings to your] girdle-gems,
Long, long do I think of you.
Although I do not go [to you],
Why do you not come [to me]?

齐风 - Odes Of Qi

Books referencing 《齐风》 Library Resources

著 - Zhu

English translation: James Legge [?] Library Resources
2 著:
He was waiting for me in the open court.
The strings of his ear-stoppers were of green silk,
And there were appended to them beautiful Ying-stones.

小雅 - Minor odes of the kingdom

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《小雅》 Library Resources

桑扈之什 - Decade Of Sang Hu

English translation: James Legge [?] Library Resources

蝇 - Qing Ying

English translation: James Legge [?] Library Resources
1 青蝇:
Qing Ying:
They buzz about, the blue flies,
Lighting on the fences.
O happy and courteous sovereign,
Do not believe slanderous speeches.

2 青蝇:
Qing Ying:
They buzz about, the blue flies,
Lighting on the jujube trees.
The slanderers observe no limits,
And throw the whole kingdom into confusion.

3 青蝇:
Qing Ying:
They buzz about, the blue flies,
Lighting on the hazel trees.
The slanderers observe no limits,
And set us two at variance.

都人士之什 - Decade Of Du Ren Shi

Library Resources

苕之华 - Tiao Zhi Hua

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《苕之华》 Library Resources
2 苕之华:
Tiao Zhi Hua:
The flowers of the bignonia [are gone],
[There are only] its leaves all-green.
If I had known it would be thus with me,
I had better not have been born.

尚书 - Shang Shu

[Spring and Autumn (772 BC - 476 BC)]
Books referencing 《尚书》 Library Resources
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[Also known as: 《书》, 《书经》, "The Classic of History", "The Book of Documents"]

夏书 - Xia Shu

Books referencing 《夏书》 Library Resources

禹贡 - Tribute of Yu

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《禹贡》 Library Resources
4 禹贡:
Tribute of Yu:
The sea and (mount) Dai were the boundaries of Qing Zhou. (The territory of) Yu-yi was defined; and the Wei and Zi were made to keep their (old) channels. Its soil was whitish and rich. Along the shore of the sea were wide tracts of salt land. Its fields were the lowest of the first class, and its contribution of revenue the highest of the second. Its articles of tribute were salt, fine cloth of dolichos fibre, productions of the sea of various kinds; with silk, hemp, lead, pine trees, and strange stones, from the valleys of Dai. The wild people of Lai were taught tillage and pasturage, and brought in their baskets the silk from the mountain mulberry tree. They floated along the Wen, and so reached the Ji.

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