| 大畜: |
天在山中,大畜;君子以多识前言往行,以畜其德。 |
| Xiang Zhuan: |
(The trigram representing) a mountain, and in the midst of it that (representing) heaven, form Da Xu. The superior man, in accordance with this, stores largely in his memory the words and deeds of former men, to subserve the accumulation of his virtue. |
| 大畜: |
有厉利已,不犯灾也。 |
| Xiang Zhuan: |
'He is in a position of peril; it will be advantageous for him to stop his advance:' - he should not rashly expose himself to calamity. |
| 大畜: |
舆说輹,中无尤也。 |
| Xiang Zhuan: |
'(He is as) a carriage from which the strap under it has been removed:' - being in the central position, he will incur no blame. |
| 大畜: |
利有攸往,上合志也。 |
| Xiang Zhuan: |
'There will be advantage in whatever direction he may advance:' - (the subject of) the topmost line is of the same mind with him. |
| 大畜: |
六四元吉,有喜也。 |
| Xiang Zhuan: |
'The great good fortune indicated by the fourth six, (divided),' shows that there is occasion for joy. |
| 大畜: |
六五之吉,有庆也。 |
| Xiang Zhuan: |
'The good fortune indicated by the fifth six, (divided),' shows that there is occasion for congratulation. |
| 大畜: |
何天之衢,道大行也。 |
| Xiang Zhuan: |
'In command of the firmament of heaven:' - the way is grandly open for movement. |