| 大過: |
澤滅木,大過;君子以獨立不懼,遯世无悶。 |
| Xiang Zhuan: |
(The trigram representing) trees hidden beneath that for the waters of a marsh forms Da Guo. The superior man, in accordance with this, stands up alone and has no fear, and keeps retired from the world without regret. |
| 大過: |
藉用白茅,柔在下也。 |
| Xiang Zhuan: |
'He places mats of the white m?o grass under things set on the ground:' - he feels his weakness and his being in the lowest place, (and uses extraordinary care). |
| 大過: |
老夫女妻,過以相與也。 |
| Xiang Zhuan: |
'An old husband and a young wife:' - such association is extraordinary. |
| 大過: |
棟橈之凶,不可以有輔也。 |
| Xiang Zhuan: |
'The evil connected with the beam that is weak' arises from this, that no help can be given (to the condition thus represented). |
| 大過: |
棟隆之吉,不橈乎下也。 |
| Xiang Zhuan: |
'The good fortune connected with the beam curving upwards' arises from this, that it does not bend towards what is below. |
| 大過: |
枯楊生華,何可久也。老婦士夫,亦可醜也。 |
| Xiang Zhuan: |
'A decayed willow produces flowers:' - but how can this secure its long continuance? 'An old wife and a young husband:' - this also is a thing to be ashamed of. |
| 大過: |
過涉之凶,不可咎也。 |
| Xiang Zhuan: |
'Evil follows wading with (extraordinary) boldness (through the stream):' - but (the act) affords no ground for blame. |