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Scope: Qian Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: References "飛龍在天,利見大人" Matched:1.
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乾 - Qian

Books referencing 《乾》 Library Resources
14 乾:
What is the meaning of the words under the fifth NINE, 'The dragon is on the wing in the sky - it will be advantageous to see the great man?' The Master said: 'Notes of the same key respond to one another; creatures of the same nature seek one another; water flows towards the place that is (low and) damp; fire rises up towards what is dry; clouds follow the dragon, and winds follow the tiger:(so) the sage makes his appearance, and all men look to him. Things that draw their origin from heaven move towards what is above; things that draw their origin from the earth cleave to what is below:--so does everything follow its kind.'

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