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譯文對照:[不顯示] [英文翻譯]


英文翻譯:理雅各(James Legge)[?] 電子圖書館
1 艮:
Xiang Zhuan:
(Two trigrams representing) a mountain, one over the other, form Gen. The superior man, in accordance with this, does not go in his thoughts beyond the (duties of the) position in which he is.

2 艮:
Xiang Zhuan:
'He keeps his toes at rest:' - he does not fail in what is correct (according to the idea of the figure).

3 艮:
Xiang Zhuan:
'He cannot help him whom he follows:'(he whom he follows) will not retreat to listen to him.

4 艮:
Xiang Zhuan:
'He keeps the loins at rest:' - the danger (from his doing so) produces a glowing, heat in the heart.

5 艮:
Xiang Zhuan:
'He keeps the trunk of his body at rest:' - he keeps himself free (from agitation).

6 艮:
Xiang Zhuan:
'He keeps his cheek bones at rest:' - in harmony with his central position he acts correctly.

7 艮:
Xiang Zhuan:
'There is good fortune through his devotedly maintaining his restfulness:' - to the end he shows himself generous and good.

URN: ctp:book-of-changes/gen2