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英文翻译:理雅各(James Legge)[?] 电子图书馆
1 夬:
Tuan Zhuan:
Guai is the symbol of displacing or removing. We see (in the figure) the strong (lines) displacing the weak. (We have in it the attributes of) strength and complacency. There is displacement, but harmony (continues). 'The exhibition (of the criminal's guilt) in the royal courtyard' is suggested by the (one) weak (line) mounted on the five strong lines. There 'is an earnest and sincere appeal (for sympathy and support), and a consciousness of the peril (involved in the undertaking):' - it is the realisation of this danger, which makes the method (of compassing the object) brilliant. 'He should make an announcement in his own city, and show that it will not be well to have recourse at once to arms:' - (if he have recourse to arms), what he prefers will (soon) be exhausted. 'There will be advantage in whatever he shall go forward to:' - when the growth of the strong (lines) has been completed, there will be an end (of the displacement).

URN: ctp:book-of-changes/guai1