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英文翻译:理雅各(James Legge)[?] 电子图书馆
1 节:
Tuan Zhuan:
'Jie intimates progress and attainment:' - the strong and weak (lines) are equally divided, and the strong lines occupy the central places. 'If the regulations (which Jie prescribes) be severe and difficult, they cannot be permanent:' - its course (of action) will in that case come to an end. (We have the feeling of) pleasure and satisfaction directing the course amidst peril. (We have) all regulations controlled (by authority) in its proper place. (We have) free action proceeding from the central and correct position. Heaven and earth observe their regular terms, and we have the four seasons complete. (If rulers) frame their measures according to (the due) regulations, the resources (of the state) suffer no injury, and the people receive no hurt.

URN: ctp:book-of-changes/jie3