| 旅: |
山上有火,旅;君子以明慎用刑,而不留狱。 |
| Xiang Zhuan: |
(The trigram representing) a mountain and above it that for fire form Lu. The superior man, in accordance with this, exerts his wisdom and caution in the use of punishments and not allowing litigations to continue. |
| 旅: |
旅琐琐,志穷灾也。 |
| Xiang Zhuan: |
'The stranger is mean and meanly occupied:' - his aim is become of the lowest character, and calamity will ensue. |
| 旅: |
得童仆贞,终无尤也。 |
| Xiang Zhuan: |
'He is provided with good and trusty servants:' - he will in the end have nothing of which to complain. |
| 旅: |
旅焚其次,亦以伤矣。以旅与下,其义丧也。 |
| Xiang Zhuan: |
'The stranger burns his lodging-house:' - and he himself also suffers hurt thereby. When, as a stranger, he treats those below him (as the line indicates), the right relation between him and them is lost. |
| 旅: |
旅于处,未得位也。得其资斧,心未快也。 |
| Xiang Zhuan: |
'The stranger is in a resting-place:' - but he has not got his proper position. 'He has the means of livelihood, and the axe:' - but his mind is not at ease. |
| 旅: |
终以誉命,上逮也。 |
| Xiang Zhuan: |
'In the end he will obtain praise and a (high) charge:' - he has reached a high place. |
| 旅: |
以旅在上,其义焚也。丧牛于易,终莫之闻也。 |
| Xiang Zhuan: |
'Considering that the stranger is here at the very height (of distinction),' with the spirit that possesses him, it is right he (should be emblemed by a bird) burning (its nest). 'He loses his ox(-like docility) too readily and easily:' - to the end he would not listen to (the truth about the course to be pursued). |