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英文翻译:理雅各(James Legge)[?] 电子图书馆
1 蒙:
Xiang Zhuan:
(The trigram representing) a mountain, and beneath it that for a spring issuing forth form Meng. The superior man, in accordance with this, strives to be resolute in his conduct and nourishes his virtue.

2 蒙:
Xiang Zhuan:
'It will be advantageous to use punishment:' - the object being to bring under the influence of correcting law.

3 蒙:
Xiang Zhuan:
'A son able to (sustain the burden of) his family:' - as appears from the reciprocation between this strong line and the weak (fifth line).

4 蒙:
Xiang Zhuan:
'A woman (such as is here represented) should not be taken in marriage:' - her conduct is not agreeable to what is right.

5 蒙:
Xiang Zhuan:
'The regret arising from ignorance bound in chains' is due to the special distance of (the subject of this line) from the solidity (shown in lines 2 and 6).

6 蒙:
Xiang Zhuan:
'The good fortune belonging to the simple lad without experience' comes from his docility going on to humility.

7 蒙:
Xiang Zhuan:
'Advantage will come from warding off injury:' - (the subject of this line) above and (the ignorant) below, all do and are done to in accordance with their nature.

URN: ctp:book-of-changes/meng2