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《噬嗑 - Shi He》

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《噬嗑》 Library Resources
1 噬嗑:
Tuan Zhuan:
The existence of something between the jaws gives rise to the name Shi He (Union by means of biting through the intervening article). The Union by means of biting through the intervening article indicates 'the successful progress (denoted by the hexagram).' The strong and weak (lines) are equally divided (in the figure). Movement is denoted (by the lower trigram), and bright intelligence (by the upper); thunder and lightning uniting in them, and having brilliant manifestation. The weak (fifth) line is in the centre, and acts in its high position. Although it is not in its proper position, this is advantageous for the use of legal constraints.

URN: ctp:book-of-changes/shi-he1