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Scope: Shuo Gua Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "動萬物者莫疾乎雷橈萬物者莫疾乎風燥萬物者莫熯乎火說萬物者莫說乎澤潤萬物者莫潤乎水終萬物始萬物者莫盛乎艮" Matched:1.
Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.

说卦 - Shuo Gua

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《说卦》 Library Resources
6 说卦:
Shuo Gua:
When we speak of Spirit we mean the subtle (presence and operation of God) with all things. For putting all things in motion there is nothing more vehement than thunder; for scattering them there is nothing more effective than wind; for drying them up there is nothing more parching than fire; for giving them pleasure and satisfaction there is nothing more grateful than a lake or marsh; for moistening them there is nothing more enriching than water; for bringing them to an end and making them begin again there is nothing more fully adapted than Zhen. Thus water and fire contribute together to the one object; thunder and wind do not act contrary to each other; mountains and collections of water interchange their influences. It is in this way, that they are able to change and transform, and to give completion to all things.

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.