| 益: |
風雷,益;君子以見善則遷,有過則改。 |
| Xiang Zhuan: |
(The trigram representing) wind and that for thunder form Yi. The superior man, in accordance with this, when he sees what is good, moves towards it; and when he sees his errors, he turns from them. |
| 益: |
元吉无咎,下不厚事也。 |
| Xiang Zhuan: |
'If the movement be greatly fortunate, no blame will be imputed to him:' - though it is not for one in so low a position to have to do with great affairs. |
| 益: |
或益之,自外來也。 |
| Xiang Zhuan: |
'Parties add to his stores:' - they come from beyond (his immediate circle) to do so. |
| 益: |
益用凶事,固有之也。 |
| Xiang Zhuan: |
'Increase is given by means of what is evil and difficult:' - as he has in himself (the qualities called forth). |
| 益: |
告公從,以益志也。 |
| Xiang Zhuan: |
'His advice to his prince is followed:' - his (only) object in it being the increase (of the general good). |
| 益: |
有孚惠心,勿問之矣。惠我德,大得志也。 |
| Xiang Zhuan: |
'(The ruler) with sincere heart seeks to benefit (all below):' - there need be no question (about the result). '(All below) with sincere heart acknowledge (his goodness):' - he gets what he desires on a great scale. |
| 益: |
莫益之,偏辭也。或擊之,自外來也。 |
| Xiang Zhuan: |
'To his increase none will contribute:' - this expresses but half the result. 'Many will seek to assail him:' - they will come from beyond (his immediate circle) to do so. |