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Scope: Zhen Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "婚媾有言" Matched:1.
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䷲震 - Zhen

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《䷲震》 Library Resources
7 ䷲震:
The topmost SIX, divided, shows its subject, amidst the startling movements (of the time), in breathless dismay and looking round him with trembling apprehension. If he take action, there will be evil. If, while the startling movements have not reached his own person and his neighbourhood, (he were to take precautions), there would be no error, though his relatives might (still) speak against him.
Xiang Zhuan:
'Amid the startling movements he is in breathless dismay:' - he has not found out (the course of) the due mean. 'Though evil (threatens), he will not fall into error:' - he is afraid of being warned by his neighbours.

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.