中国哲学书电子化计划 | |
简体字版 |
《采苓》 | 英文翻译:理雅各(James Legge)[?] | 电子图书馆 |
1 | 采苓: |
采苓采苓、首阳之巅。 人之为言、苟亦无信。 舍旃舍旃、苟亦无然。 人之为言、胡得焉。 |
Cai Ling: |
Would you gather the liquorice, would you gather the liquorice, On the top of Shouyang? When men tell their stories, Do not readily believe them; Put them aside, put them aside. Do not readily assent to them; And, when men tell their stories, How will they find course? | |
2 | 采苓: |
采苦采苦、首阳之下。 人之为言、苟亦无与。 舍旃舍旃、苟亦无然。 人之为言、胡得焉。 |
Cai Ling: |
Would you gather the sowthistle, would you gather the sowthistle, At the foot of Shouyang? When men tell their stories, Do not readily approve them; Put them aside, put them aside. Do not readily assent to them; And, when men tell their stories, How will they find course? | |
3 | 采苓: |
采葑采葑、首阳之东。 人之为言、苟亦无从。 舍旃舍旃、苟亦无然。 人之为言、胡得焉。 |
Cai Ling: |
Would you gather the mustard plant, would you gather the mustard plant, On the east of Shouyang? When men tell their stories, Do not readily listen to them; - Put them aside, put them aside. Do not readily assent to them; And, when men tell their stories, How will they find course? |
URN: ctp:book-of-poetry/cai-ling