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Scope: Cai Qi Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "方叔涖止其車三千師干之試" Matched:2.
Total 2 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.

采芑 - Cai Qi

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《采芑》 Library Resources
1 采芑:
Cai Qi:
They were gathering the white millet,
In those new fields,
And in these acres brought only one year under cultivation,
When Fang Shu came to take the command.
His chariots were three thousand,
With a host of well-disciplined warriors.
Fang Shu led them on,
In his carriage drawn by four piebalds,
Four piebalds orderly moving.
Red shone his grand carriage,
With its chequered bamboo screen, and seal-skin quivers,
With the hooks for the trappings of the breast-bands, and the rein-ends.

3 采芑:
Cai Qi:
Rapid is the flight of the hawk,
Soaring to the heavens,
And again descending and settling in its place.
Fang Shu came to take the command.
His chariots were three thousand,
With a host of well disciplined warriors.
Fang Shu led them on.
With his jinglers and drummers,
He marshalled his hosts and addressed them.
Intelligent and true is Fang Shu,
Deep rolled the sound of his drums;
With a lighter sound he led the troops back.

Total 2 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.