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Scope: Chang Di Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "是究是圖亶其然乎" Matched:1.
Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.

《常棣 - Chang Di》

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《常棣》 Library Resources
1 常棣:
Chang Di:
The flowers of the cherry tree -
Are they not gorgeously displayed?
Of all the men in the world,
There are none equal to brothers.

2 常棣:
Chang Di:
On the dreaded occasions of death and burial,
It is brothers who greatly sympathize.
When fugitives are collected on the heights and low grounds,
They are brothers who will seek one another out.

3 常棣:
Chang Di:
There is the wagtail on the level height; -
When brothers are in urgent difficulties,
Friends, though they may be good,
Will [only] heave long sighs.

4 常棣:
Chang Di:
Brothers may quarrel inside the walls,
But they will oppose insult from without,
When friends, however good they may be,
Will not afford help.

5 常棣:
Chang Di:
When death and disorder are past,
And there are tranquillity and rest;
Although they have brothers,
[Some] reckon them not equal to friends.

6 常棣:
Chang Di:
Your dishes may be set in array,
And you may drink to satiety;
But it is when your brothers are all present,
That you are harmonious and happy, with child-like joy.

7 常棣:
Chang Di:
Loving union with wife and children,
Is like the music of lutes;
But it is the accord of brothers,
Which makes the harmony and happiness lasting.

8 常棣:
Chang Di:
For the ordering of your family,
For your joy in your wife and children,
Examine this and study it; -
Will you not find that it is truly so?

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.