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Scope: Che Xia Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "辰彼碩女令德來教" Matched:1.
Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.

《车舝 - Che Xia》

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《车舝》 Library Resources
1 车舝:
Che Xia:
Jian-guan went the axle ends of my carriage,
As I thought of the young beauty, and went [to fetch her].
It was not that I was hungry or thirsty,
But [I longed] for one of such virtuous fame to come and be with me.
Although no good friends be with us,
We will feast and be glad.

2 车舝:
Che Xia:
Dense is that forest in the plain,
And there sit the long-tailed pheasants.
In her proper season that well-grown lady,
With her admirable virtue, is come to instruct me.
We will feast, and I will praise her.
' I love you, and will never be weary of you. '

3 车舝:
Che Xia:
Although I have no good spirits,
We will drink [what I have], and perhaps [be satisfied].
Although I have no good viands,
We will eat [what I have], and perhaps [be satisfied].
Although I have no virtue to impart to you,
We will sing and dance.

4 车舝:
Che Xia:
I ascend that lofty ridge,
And split the branches of the oaks for firewood.
I split the branches of the oaks for firewood,
Amid the luxuriance of their leaves.
I see you whose match is seldom to be seen,
And my whole heart is satisfied.

5 车舝:
Che Xia:
The high hill is looked up to;
The great road is easy to be travelled on.
My four steeds advanced without stopping;
The six reins [made music] in my hands like lute-[strings].
I see you my bride,
To the comfort of my heart.

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.