中国哲学书电子化计划 | |
简体字版 |
《大田》 | 英文翻译:理雅各(James Legge)[?] | 提到《大田》的书籍 电子图书馆 |
1 | 大田: |
大田多稼、既种既戒。 既备乃事、以我覃耜、俶载南亩、播厥百谷。 既庭且硕、曾孙是若。 |
Da Tian: |
Large are the fields, and various is the work to be done. Having selected the seed, and looked after the implements, So that all preparations have been made for our labour, We take our sharp plough-shares, And commence on the south-lying acres. We sow all the kinds of grain, Which grow up straight and large, So that the wish of the distant descendant is satisfied. | |
2 | 大田: |
既方既皂、既坚既好。 不稂不莠、去其螟螣。 及其蟊贼、无害我田樨。 田祖有神、秉畀炎火。 |
Da Tian: |
It ears, and the fruit lies soft in its sheath; It hardens and is of good quality; There is no wolf's-tail grass, nor darnel. We remove the insects that eat the heart and the leaf, And those that eat the roots and the joints. So that they shall not hurt the young plants of our fields. May the Spirit, the Father of husbandry, Lay hold of them, and put them in the blazing fire! | |
3 | 大田: |
有渰萋萋、兴雨祁祁。 雨我公田、遂及我私。 彼有不获穉、此有不敛穧。 彼有遗秉、此有滞穗、伊寡妇之利。 |
Da Tian: |
The clouds form in dense masses, And the rain comes down slowly. May it rain first on our public fields, And then come to our private! There shall be young grain unreaped, And here some sheaves ungathered; There shall be handfuls left on the ground, And here ears untouched:- For the benefit of the widow. | |
4 | 大田: |
曾孙来止、以其妇子。 饁彼南亩、田畯至喜。 来方禋祀、以其騂黑。 与其黍稷、以享以祀。 以介景福。 |
Da Tian: |
The distant descendant will come, When their wives and children, Are bringing food to those [at work] on the south-lying acres. The surveyor of the fields [also] will come and be glad. They will come and offer pure sacrifices to the Spirits of the four quarters, With their victims red and black, And their preparations of millet: Thus offering, thus sacrificing, Thus increasing our bright happiness. |
URN: ctp:book-of-poetry/da-tian