Chinese Text Project |
《定之方中 - Ding Zhi Fang Zhong》 | English translation: James Legge [?] | Books referencing 《定之方中》 Library Resources |
1 | 定之方中: |
定之方中、作于楚宮。 揆之以日、作于楚室。 樹之榛栗、椅桐梓漆、爰伐琴瑟。 |
Ding Zhi Fang Zhong: |
When Ding culminated [at night fall], He began to build the palace at Chu. Determining its aspects by means of the sun, He built the mansion at Chu. He planted about it hazel and chesnut trees, The yi, the tong, the zi, and the varnish-tree, Which, when cut down, might afford materials for lutes. | |
2 | 定之方中: |
升彼虛矣、以望楚矣。 望楚與堂、景山與京。 降觀于桑、卜云其吉、終然允臧。 |
Ding Zhi Fang Zhong: |
He ascended those old walls, And thense surveyed [the site of ] Chu. He surveyed Chu and Tang, With the high hills and lofty elevations about : He descended and examined the mulberry trees; He then divined, and got a fortunate response; And thus the issue has been truly good. | |
3 | 定之方中: |
靈雨既零、命彼倌人。 星言夙駕、說于桑田。 匪直也人、秉心塞淵、騋牝三千。 |
Ding Zhi Fang Zhong: |
When the good rains had fallen, He would order his groom, By starlight, in the morning, to yoke his carriage, And would then stop among the mulberry trees and fields. But not only thus did he show what he was; - Maintaining in his heart a profound devotion to his duties, His tall horses and mares amounted to three thousand. |
URN: ctp:book-of-poetry/ding-zhi-fang-zhong