中國哲學書電子化計劃 |
《東門之墠》 | 英文翻譯:理雅各(James Legge)[?] | 電子圖書館 |
1 | 東門之墠: |
東門之墠、茹藘在阪。 其室則邇、其人甚遠。 |
Dong Men Zhi Shan: |
Near the level ground at the east gate, Is the madder plant on the bank. The house is near there, But the man is very far away. | |
2 | 東門之墠: |
東門之栗、有踐家室。 豈不爾思、子不我即。 |
Dong Men Zhi Shan: |
By the chestnut trees at the east gate, Is a row of houses. Do I not think of you? But you do not come to me. |
URN: ctp:book-of-poetry/dong-men-zhi-shan