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Scope: Fa Tan Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "彼君子兮不素餐兮" Matched:1.
Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.

《伐檀 - Fa Tan》

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《伐檀》 Library Resources
1 伐檀:
Fa Tan:
Kan-kan go his blows on the sandal trees,
And he places what he hews on the river's bank,
Whose waters flow clear and rippling.
You sow not nor reap; -
How do you get the produce of those three hundred farms?
You do not follow the chase; -
How do we see the badgers hanging up in your court-yards?
O that superior man!
He would not eat the bread of idleness!

2 伐檀:
Fa Tan:
Kan-kan go his blows on the wood for his spokes,
And he places it by the side of the river,
Whose waters flow clear and even.
You sow not nor reap; -
How do you get your three millions of sheaves?
You do not follow the chase; -
How do we see those three-year-olds hanging in your court-yards?
O that superior man!
He would not eat the bread of idleness!

3 伐檀:
Fa Tan:
Kan-kan go his blows on the wood for his wheels,
And he places it by the lip of the river,
Whose waters flow clear in rippling circles.
You sow not nor reap; -
How do you get the paddy for your three hundred round binns?
You do not follow the chase; -
How do we see the quails hanging in your court-yards?
O that superior man!
He would not eat the bread of idleness!

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.