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Scope: Fen Ju Ru Request type: Paragraph
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Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.

《汾沮洳 - Fen Ju Ru》

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《汾沮洳》 Library Resources
1 汾沮洳:
Fen Ju Ru:
There in the oozy grounds of the Fen,
They gather the sorrel.
That officer,
Is elegant beyond measure.
He is elegant beyond measure.
But, perhaps, he is not what the superintendent of the ruler's carriages ought to be.

2 汾沮洳:
Fen Ju Ru:
There along the side of the Fen,
They gather the mulberry leaves.
That officer,
Is elegant as a flower.
He is elegant as a flower;
But, perhaps, he is not what the marshaller of the carriages ought to be.

3 汾沮洳:
Fen Ju Ru:
There along the bend of the Fen,
They gather the ox-lips.
That officer,
Is elegant as a gem.
He is elegant as a gem;
But, perhaps, he is not what the superintendent of the ruler's relations should be.

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.