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《甫田 - Fu Tian》

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《甫田》 Library Resources
1 甫田:
Fu Tian:
Do not try to cultivate fields too large; -
The weeds will only grow luxuriantly.
Do not think of winning people far away; -
Your toiling heart will be grieved.

2 甫田:
Fu Tian:
Do not try to cultivate fields too large; -
The weeds will only grow proudly.
Do not think of winning people far away; -
Your toiling heart will be distressed.

3 甫田:
Fu Tian:
How young and tender,
Is the child with his two tufts of hair!
When you see him after not a long time,
Lo! he is wearing the cap!

URN: ctp:book-of-poetry/fu-tian